



There are almost countless types of events, some are demanded frequently by customers, others seldom Find in-depth information about the most important types of events. Cawa Media Events presents and describes the diversity of the event planning industry.

Our idea is to make it easy for our customers, we have plenty of suggestions that are implemented and evaluated by our customers. We work with both packaged and customized events.

When you customize an event, you get a contact with us and do not need more than one supplier for the entire event.

We have worked with event managements and corporate events for over 15 years. During that time we have learned a thing or two. We have many very talented suppliers who work with us, helps our customers to get good meetings and rewarding experience.

Corporate Events

Conferences are popular and important business events. Everything about the event management of academic, medical and business conferences

Seminars educational events for the training of managers and employees. Most seminars are not comparable with boring lectures. Interactivity is core!

Meetings are common business events in large companies, perfect to discuss operational and financial strategies

Team Building Events a key to develop and motivate teams in companies and divisions. Everything about the planning of professional team building events

Trade Shows exhibitions where companies can present and demonstrate their latest products. A professional presentation is crucial

Business Dinners a long-standing corporate tradition to conclude fiscal years, celebrate new milestones or to get in contact with key customers

Golf Events golf tournaments or retreats. Those events aim to acquire new customers, to increase customer loyalty or to motivate employees

Press Conferences perfect business events to promote new products, launch marketing campains or to inform the shareholders and public about financial issues

Networking Events are personal marketing galas. Such events are great opportunities for contact establishment and personal marketing

Incentive Travel are perfect to reward and to motivate employees or to increase customer loyalty and retention. Everything about incentive travel

Opening Ceremonies are held to start conventions, annual meetings and other events that last for two or more days. Find everything about opening events

Product Launches are critical for the successful market introduction of some products. A perfect product presentation might also increase the media coverage

Theme Parties events that devote to a special topic. Popular events are casino nights or Halloween parties. Ideas and planning tips

VIP Events are used to increase customer loyalty. Professional planners organizing VIP events that ultimately increase your revenues

Trade Fairs are a great opportunity to present your latest products to customers and business partners.

Shareholder Meetings are yearly and obligatory events to inform a corporation’s shareholders about company issues and to elect the Board of Directors

Award Ceremonies are great events to honor and motivate key staff or to acquire and retain customers. Event planners are able to organize events to remember

Incentive Events motivate employees or close the ties to customers. Event managers are planning events that help to enhance customer loyalty

Board Meetings focus on strategic goals and visions. The event venue and the planning process should reflect the prestigious nature of these meetings

Executive Retreats escapes from stressful work schedules and the day-to-day business. Learn how they should stimulate free thinking and creativity

Weddings should be the most important days in the life of brides, grooms and their families. Professional event managers help to plan the events

Birthdays require seldom a professional event manager, but there are exceptions. Find out how event managers can help you to make your party a success

Wedding Anniversaries celebrate milestones in a couple’s life together. Ideas and hints that help you to plan those events or find professional even managers

Family Events are great opportunities to assemble whole families. We offer hints and ideas to plan perfect family events like birthdays, weddings, etc.

Send an inquiry to us and we will help your company to a successful event.

”It was the best event of my life” 

is the ultimate compliment any event planner can receive! That is our motivation and goal for each and every celebration we have the opportunity to organize. We pride ourselves in assembling an entire team of creative professionals to produce a memorable and unique experience on one of the most important events in your life. Our team will focus on every detail to design an event that flows effortlessly. Please enjoy viewing the pictures of recent events which reflect our enthusiasm, dedication, and creativity.

Ordet Event är hämtat från engelskans ord för evenemang eller händelse) är ett specialarrangemang som ett led i en intern eller extern marknadsföring och som regel ett moment i en kommunikationsplan. Eventet ska fungera som plattform för överföring av värderingar och idéer i avsikt att påverka deltagarna och öka deras förståelse för till exempel en varas värden eller ett företags eller en organisations värderingar och framtidsplaner.

Ofta sker eventet med inslag av stämningshöjande umgänge med underhållning och catering av mat och dryck. Det interna eventet avslutas ofta med samkväm, barmingel och ibland dans. Event genomförs oftast i för ändamålet specialdesignade miljöer.

Seriösa eventleverantörer brukar mäta eventets effekter relaterat till uppsatta kommunikationsmål.

Det som skiljer eventet från andra trivselarrangemang som jubileer och firmafester är att hela genomförandet alltid sker i harmoni med – och tydligt speglar – de kommunikationsmål som satts upp av arrangören.

Denna sida är till för att skapa idéer till nya events, där flera kan ingå. Sponsorer är mycket välkomna också.

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